Teen Choice Awards 2017 (2017 TV Special)
The opposite of what you want your teen offspring to watch
17 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have the "Teen Choice Awards 2017" and this title gives you the basic information It runs for 1.5 hours without commercials and is now basically under 3.5 years old, probably over depending on when you read this review of mine. Once again, they were giving out the surfboards. The panda video parts weren't funny either There is only one writer credited and that would be Brandy Finmark. Honestly, it surprises me and I wonder if there were maybe others in charge of the planning (in terms of script) of the show because she really does not have a lot of experience. On the directors' side, things are more clear. Emmy winner Alan Carter was the man in charge and Matt Powers somewhat his apprentice. But these older people that you do not see are not really what the teens care for anyway. Still, the basics must be told too. As for the show itself and these 90 minutes here (probably 120 with commercials), I was a bit shocked how weak and bland it all was. I would say the epitome of a present with some nice wrapping, but nothing inside, but I am not even sure the wrapping is nice at all. It all felt so superficial. This already started with one of the Pauls (Logan and Jake, never know who is who and honestly I don't care either, oh and apparently they are not just boxers now, but also musicians/rappers?) opening the show and one of them was also the final part of the show as he received an awards. I think that was Logan. They announced the name and he also got another award. So yeah, with this social media phenomenon rackin up the awards, you know what to expect here. One from the family was also the host or kinda the host I think, but the good news is he was immediately gone after being featured in the opening segment. Not that everything else you saw during this show was better, not that it would have been really difficult because "better" also could have meant just bad and not really bad as everything else you get to see here. It may sound harsh, but it is true. One thing really common with (music) awards shows these days is that once again there is way too much music (also terrible music in this very case and highly forgettable because of the complete absence of talent), way too many performances included in here and the awards have to play second fiddle, even if admittedly I have seen worse on other awards shows that ran for three hours. Not that it is any good here. Also I was generally struggling with the people featured during this edition. I mean Swift, Perry and others may not be the most talented artists or anything, but when they were part of this show a decade ago, they were still not half as poor and generic as the ones featured in 2017. As for the movies, I cannot say too much because they did not really seem to be a part of the show. It felt much more about the people. Which makes sense given the event. Another key problem is of course that categories are simply rushed in in the sense of "xy won this award oh and by the way he also won something else" like it happened with Paul at the very end. Not that I need to see an additional speech from him, but this approach basically just shows that the writer here is just as bad as the people you see on the stage honestly because it is really disrespectful to those nominees and winners from said categories. Then just leave the categories out altogether if you don#t show them to us.

Also Maroon 5 a lifetime achievement award? I mean they sure got the commercial success (as we are reminded here) and they also have been in the industry for a long time (good for them) and they even have a few catchy songs no denying, but they are no icons. Sorry, they are not. No way. Maybe the fact that they are as mainstream as it gets makes it easy to see why they got picked for this award. The good thing, however, with this event is that probably all the highly forgettable acts here will be gone soon I am sure. There is very little talent involved, very little recognition value and as a consequence no way people will know about most of them five years from now. Not talking about Maroon 5 here. Or maybe they will be, then that would be even worse. I mean nothing can shock me any more really. One of the more cringeworthy moments of the show was Hudgens' pretentious speech about being the woman she wants/wanted to become. What else? Ed Sheeran wwinning awards is also never a good thing obviously. Same for Chris Pratt. By now I really have no clue why I liked him on Parks&Rec, but his overexposure by now and how he acts in the face of it makes him one of the most cringeworthy people in Hollywood right now. GotG was a relatively mediocre film I gotta say, too much awards recognition here. As for the other big winner of the night "Wonder Woman", I am hesitant too. Did not like the marketing campaign that came with it, never saw anything in Gal Gadot and I would be shocked if I found it justified how much appreciation the film received here. Just one example. Emma Watson won an awards. Was she anywhere? No, she wasn't there and as a consequence her aards was not even part of the show. Absolutely despicable. At least Sheeran they got in because he recorded a brief video. Charming. But I think I do not even have to mention all of this. I mean the quality of an awards show where Zendaya is awarded, where Zac Efron is honored for Baywatch is pretty self-explanatory I guess. Everybody can make up their minds about that. As for television, as far as I can comment, "Pretty Little Liars" and "The Vampire Diaries" are shows that range from weak over bad to horrible and those winning awards here says it all as well, even if I won't deny I've always had a thing for Lucy Hale looks-wise. But that does not make her show or acting any better. Arrow and Amell (even if both just nominated) also should not be part of any credible awards show. Okay, I guess this is enough now. One final note: BTS got a trophy once again too. As always basically in recent years. The epitome of a media phenomenon. Hesitate to call them a music phenomenon because their singing literally makes my ears suffer. Nothing against their dancing and choreography, but their voices must not be heard. You know how I mean that. Then again, there is not really a lot heard from their voices with how they used technology to transform the original singing into noise basically. Enough said. And still many fall for it. I hope you/they will not fall for this terrible edition of the Teen Choice Awards from 2017. I have seen many of those and this was definitely among the very worst. Big thumbs-down. As forgettable as it gets and I would have preferred it to have run for only an hour. Highly not recommended. The worst of it all is probably that actually they are really behaving in a way that they somehow deserve these awards, that they came up with something artistically relevant. Unreal. Folks, please don't encourage them. Until they actually deliver quality and show talent. Then I am the very first person eager to take back what I just wrote. But I just don't see it happening. Unwatchable show. Keep your kids away from stuff like that.
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