Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
An Introspective Satire!
29 December 2020
Charlie Brooker presents complicated technology and malicious human desires in his series Black Mirror. Death to 2020 has those same themes, but it is slightly more terrifying because real events are being described by people with varying views.

These views that offer a glimpse into the lack of knowledge, or rather ignorance, some of the speakers have are large contributors to the humor of the special. There are many different characters from both liberal and conservative parties, but also from around the world.

More important than any character was the presence of a narrator and Laurence Fishburne was a genius choice. He has amazing zingers that I will not spoil in this review, but the writing was absolutely phenomenal.

The jokes related to climate change, Brexit, America, Silicon Valley, Trump and more were so reflective of this year. I shamefully had forgotten the Australian fires with everything that has happened over the course of this year. What I appreciated about Death to 2020 is that it educates and has brilliant segues. However, my one critique is that I felt it was a little skewed and flawed in its portrayal of politics.

There is a bias against conservatives throughout the entire special. I do suggest if you are conservative not to watch as Brooker depicts conservatives as Karens, racist, uneducated and unwilling to listen to others. This was something that I did not appreciate because I know many conservatives who are not one-dimensional and have their own opinions regarding events that took place in 2020. I think the criticisms were glaring as Democrats were not as openly teased.

However, there were jokes regarding Biden that I found to be very humorous. Whoever came up with the remarks about his age is a complete genius. Of course, Hunter Biden and his inappropriate touching came up frequently and I found their quips caused me to cry as I was laughing so hard.

The most glaring topics discussed were the George Floyd murder and COVID-19. Brooker somehow found humor in those two depressing topics. That's why he is so successful not just with this special, but his career: he is able to find humor from the most depraved subjects.

I enjoyed watching this special, but it is not for everyone. If you think you will not be offended by what is shown, I suggest you watch. Be sure to look out for easter eggs if you watch. Brooker always loves references to other characters and events which is something I do not think will ever change. I hope you liked reading my review and enjoy watching the special!
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