Review of Proximity

Proximity (II) (2020)
A promising beginning that just goes so wrong
2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Proximity stars Ryan Masson as Isaac, a math nerd working at JPL. He intercepts some mysterious signal, which causes aliens to abduct him on a hike. He's brought back along with some sort of power to make things disappear -- or something. It's not clear and they don't talk about it until the very end. Anyway, he decides to meet someone who happens to have a similar experience, Sara (Highdee Kuan). He then gets caught by some secret agency who, I kid you not, have some android robots as guards for... reasons? He and Sara get taken to some secret area where he subsequently escapes with her in such a manner that you think "well, obviously they were let go", but no.

They find that this secret area is in Costa Rica, but luckily they just happen to stumble onto super hacker Zed (Christian Prentice), who knows about this secret group and the androids. The three team up to find Carl (Don Scribner), a former abductee. Carl has somehow managed to translate the alien transmission into English. They find Carl, the aliens find them, and it turns out the aliens just want to know from Isaac/Sara about Jesus. The bad guys then find them and kill Sara and destroy the house. But Isaac apparently has some super speed power, the ability to revive Sara, and the ability to be invisible, I think. The movie ends with Carl and Zed forming some sort of group, and Sara and Isaac hitching up and opening up a restaurant.

Sheesh, where to begin. First of all, the movie does start well, with Isaac being abducted, showing the video to a news reporter who took a skeptical viewpoint, causing others to think it was all video editing. There was an interesting story there, but instead of doing that, it took the path I stated. So...

What's with the androids? What's the point of them even existing? They were cool to watch, but had no point. My thought it they didn't want to show people getting killed? The Jesus thing came out of nowhere and went nowhere. Now, I'm not an anti-religious zealot, and I'm fine if this movie wanted to be about aliens searching for Jesus (I think a decent movie could be coaxed from that). But the whole Jesus thing comes out of nowhere and is so jarring that you're taken out of the movie and going "wait, what's that all about?". Isaac and Sara's relationship adds no value and is so artificial. This secret group that has working frigging androids can't catch a bunch of kids flying on a prop plane and a train from Costa Rica to British Columbia Pacing is extremely slow at times Why were they abducted? Why was Isaac given powers?

Really, the movie is just a jumble of scenes that don't really work well together, tied by some sort of a plot that loose threads everywhere and that barely makes sense.

There are some highlights: Highdee Kuan's eyes are absolutely amazing in the movie The androids are a bit fun to watch The characters look like other people. For me: Isaac looks like a cross between DJ Qualls and Asa Butterfield Zed looks like a cross between Jared Leto and the Anonymous mask Carl looks like an old Stephen King with long hair

4/10. Stuff like this makes me think the crap I've written in the past and then read months later with embarrassment could actually be made into a movie.
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