The Expanse: Tribes (2021)
Season 5, Episode 6
Does the job, but the weakest episode so far this season
6 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Episode contains a short but fun action scene with Alex and Bobbie, some great character development with Amos and Clarissa (slightly marred by bizarrely filmed action sequence which took me out of my immersion somewhat), a brief but endearing scene revealing Chrisjen's bravado cracking a bit under the stress, a short scene establishing the Roci leaving Tycho, and some decent scenes on board Marco's ship, the Pella.

I'm finding so far that having so many seperate plot threads in this season is making it feel as though the plot is spread slightly thin in these more slow-burn episodes and this was the episode where I have felt that the most, a feeling heightened by the week long wait between episodes and the fact that it is coming off the back of another slower episode (I suspect that these pacing issues would be much less apparent if I were binge watching the season).

All in all, the weakest episode of the season so far, but episodes like this are somewhat inevitable in shows as serialized as The Expanse; it is still mostly well made and enjoyable and I am very much looking forward to seeing the build-up pay off in the upcoming episodes
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