House of Cards: Chapter 14 (2014)
Season 2, Episode 1
In order to begin a new chapter on a clean slate, you need to annihilate the indelible mark that you once created.
21 January 2021
This is the episode you don't just watch, but one which you completely grasp and study. This will make you revise the entire story till date. It won't show you a recap or anything, but will make you do the hard work. This is the kind of episode that gets the word around the world that there's something so, so great you can't help but check out. This is the kind of episode where you do not want to go give how much ratings you are allowed at Max to give. I wish I could break that star button of IMDB and score this 10 times more than the max permissible limit. I've never been more invested in any other show than I have been in HOC. I can't wait to explore the characters and fInd out just exactly who is this guy Francis. What the hell is he going to do next. Why is what he's doing so damn significant for him and what more is he willing to do in order to achieve his goals. And one more thing, F U.
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