Review of Driftless

Driftless (2020)
Righteous effort but a horribly poor script
1 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The star of this effort is Park Ranger Nova, a young native American woman who has just earned her park police certification. This means Nova is the 'law' in the park, armed with a gun and the power and duty to enforce the law.

A skin head drives up to the park entrance both, calls Nova Pocahontas and despite the racist insult Nova lets him drive into the park without paying the $10 park fee. Way to go Nova!

When a yahoo starts shooting his illegal ( in the park) gun into the air Nova violates protocol and by failing to draw her gun. Her partner chastises her and has to explain that firing his gun is not only illegal but is a very real danger to other visitors. How does the script allow Nova to be ignorant of all this? And then has both of them failing to confiscates his gun..

The superintendent, Nova's boss, knows the river has been seriously poisoned by a fracking company with dead fish and deer. Yet he takes not action to post danger, do not swim or drink signs. Then, knowing the river water is poisoned he shuts off the water in the park due to a budget shutdown. This causes a young mother to drink the river water which poison water kills her and causes her baby to drown. After all this happens a young ranger says 'I'll post danger signs. What a wacky script.

A deranged criminal, armed with a gun, steals a ranger hat and badge. He impersonates a ranger, kidnaps a young woman visitor, takes her to a remote cabin and ties her up. Nova finds the woman tied up in a cabin and confronts the kidnapper with her gun drawn. At which point the script has the kidnapper saying: You won't shoot me and Nova letting the armed kidnapper simply walk away so he can kidnap again or do even worse. Then, the kidnapper she let go free tries to gun down her partner. At that point Nova shoots him in the leg and is hailed as a hero for saving her partner ...the crazed kidnapper/gunman she failed to arrest. Nova should have been fired on the spot for dereliction of duty. I mean, worst law enforcement ranger ever.

Finally, we see almost no one enjoying the park peacefully as the script presents a crazed gunman./kidnapper, poisoned river that kills a young other, a racist taunting a woman visitor and a drug addict who abused his girlfriend and nearly dies of an overdose,. Did I mention Nova found visitors trying to desecrate and steal from an Indian park site?

As said, worst script ever.
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