Review of Bosch

Bosch (2014–2021)
Genuinely good cop show
7 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a long time to begin watching this. I kept seeing it on Prime and ignored it because I have been so disappointed with modern cop shows that I didn't want to invest. But I was wrong. I took a punt and was rewarded with a superbly written, acted and directed cop series. I don't know if it can compare to great cop series of the past, but compared to the utter trash served up these days it is like I found a diamond in the dust.

Thing is, the plot of each series is not that different to plots of other cop shows, but it is so well written and acted that you buy into it. It shows that what really matters is not original plot so much as those terribly old fashioned things like writing, acting and directing. Who knew?

Series one is about a serial killer. Yeah, yeah you've seen it all before. But so well acted and written is each episode that I found myself being genuinely creeped out by the killer and totally buying the methodical approach of the protagonist in tracking him down. It's strange, almost like I'd forgotten what Hollywood could do. Makes me realize that most of what we see today is made by hacks, substituting actual writing, acting and direction skill with "look how clever I am" plots, oh so meaningful and serious nihilism and 100mph dialogue to, you know, show that I can write.
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