The Story of David (1976 TV Movie)
A good story with faulty presentation.
10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Biblical story of shepherd David to King David is a thrilling story with all the element needed in a good true story of one's life. The movie, (which we watched in one sitting) was s better attempt than many of its kind. It covers most of the important touch points of David, BarJesse life. Only a few that should NOT have been left out were missing.

Is it that the screen writers failed to truly understand David's life and his place in the line of Messiah? Or did they rely on advisors whose respect for this most important story lacked dedication and conviction necessary tell the story.

Four stars because of thin scenes with few when multitude were called for. So 2 stars gone for the same motive - too few when more would be better. By the count of four holes that canceled the other four stars. 1. The movie's look lacked careful proper art direction. It did not fit the culture of the period that the story happened in. Samuel's alter, seat of judgment was so far off that the movie had a cheap sci-fi look. Almost like the first seasons of Dr. Who. 2. Casting was poor with the minor characters. The actor portraying Saul's daughter/David's first wife left so very much to be desired. Main character actors were better. Quayle did well as Saul. Are there really that many long haired blond women among the Benjaminites? And, with one major character. Young and old David did not fit what an Israelite would look like unless the few exceptions were there for the movie. Thankfully Bottoms was able to carry the role. 3. Staging of some key events were so off the clear record. Absalom death and the significance of how he died did the story an unjust play. The only true accurate is in the Bible. Was it too hard to find a way to stage it and to include Absalom's excessive arrogance as the why he died the was he did? 4. The Ark of Testimony or Ark of Covenant was the worst disgrace. I'm sure the reason it was not fashioned with two cherubim and their outstretched wings touching over and covering the Ark's Mercy Seat was to avoid unintentional blasphemy. If orthodox Jewish scholars were involved, it would likely they avoided any offense. Yet the name Yahweh - the holy name of God Almighty was spoken often and in ways that orthodox would consider vain. The Ark of Testimony was brought to a Tabernacle of the kind which Moses had fashioned with God's instructions. Further staging its place in Jerusalem in a room and the curtains open to give a view rather than the Holy of Holies.

Most overlook such petty matters, we do not.
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