Review of Close Calls

Close Calls (2017)
10 February 2021
Which is what a close call is ... unless it is meant literally ... and is it in this case? There is an argument to be made for that. So right from the start you might have some clever pun on your hands here. But as we all know a clever title does not make a good movie. And while I gave this a 6/10, I'm also know for being too nice when rating (not always mind you).

Having said that, let's also be clear to those expecting certain things here, especially considering the cover I saw. The main actress will not really be seen fully nude. But she will wear next to nothing almost the entire movie. And while I understand what that does hormonally to those affected by this (not naming groups, so no one will feel left out, apply as you see fit), what is really impressive the toughness and strong attitude of the main actress. Maybe it comes easy to her because of her character (in real life I mean, not the one she plays), but showcasing yourself like that for almost two hours is quite the tough thing to do.

But there's that thing with the running time. It is quite too long for its own good. While technically this is well made, I understand if some might get annyoed by our protagonist at some point along the line. It's not like she is a saint either ... Still this is a low budget extravaganza and it is quite the tour you're embarking, if you decide to do so
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