Unscientific mental illness. A waste of time.
23 February 2021
There are some limited shreds of truth; but overall it's largely unscientific paranoid delusional ignorant garbage disguised as science and fact. It would be laughable; but unfortunately many people believe that things like Wi-Fi and cell phone transmissions are a significant direct medical threat. It's not a documentary, it is mental illness and misinformation. The unscientific garbage like in this so-called documentary reminds me of the fools that claim 5G is responsible for Covid-19. I'm more concerned about "smart" technologies that can be used by hackers, terrorists, thieves, abusive authorities to spy on us, track us, frame us, enslave us, discriminate against us, brainwash us, steal from us, terrorize us, and used for warfare. I'm more concerned about backdoors, viruses, malware, trojans, worms, etc. that are sponsored by political organizations, governments and financial institutions that have nefarious intent or are likely to become nefarious. Artificial intelligence is also likely to get out of hand, but this so-called documentary is mostly foolishness. UV (ultraviolet electromagnetic radiation) definitely is a cause of cancer; however cell phone and Wi-Fi radio waves are so weak and are on frequencies that any medical risk is next to nil, however can't be completely dismissed. 5G and cell phone technology and other so-called smart technology is a threat, however for an entirely different reason; China and many of the other states and entities that manufacture and control such technology can use it against the US and other countries for espionage and electronic warfare. So there are many threats; however this so-called documentary is a mentally ill red herring.
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