Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Cardassians (1993)
Season 2, Episode 5
As if.
24 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
**Contains Spoilers**. AS if the foster parent of the Cardassian kid upon the Avery Brooks guy saying 'do you want me to call security' to remove the child from those quarters. As if the foster parent would have caved in to that!. He'd have said "go ahead and we'll both physically fight your Security Staff, do YOU want to see that". Son get your teeth ready for action.

Sisko would have backed down. End of storyline there then. No separation leading to permanent separation. one thing lead to the other.

Like the foster parent would have wanted Sisko to adjudicate over the matter and have the final say about whether his kid was taken away.

We hear "Despite the Federation presence, the station remains subject to Bajoran law". The foster parent would have called the Bajoran Govt and they'd have been picked up & taken back to Bajor.

WHAT were they doing on DS9 in the first place?. The pair turned up there, as "New Arrivals", what for?. They were on Bajor then they turn up on DS9 and were going to go WHERE?. Just hang around the place, then go WHERE?.

So yet another preposterous badly thought out script. The Bajoran Govt would not have allowed it no matter what Sisco/Sesco said of the matter. The foster parent would have fought to keep the kid, no matter what anyone said, not just clear off back to Bajor empty handed with no son.

Barely worth a 2 star rating then on this one then. The whole series is worth MORE, quite a bit more but in this case they must do better on the scripts, unlikely scripts just won't do. And neither will insulting our intelligence with events that would never happen the way they are so conveniently depicted. Too many "as if's" for my liking.
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