Doctor Who: The Space Pirates: Episode Two (1969)
Season 6, Episode 30
This was hard work.
1 March 2021
Assumed to be Space Pirates, The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are in real trouble.

I have no issues with the story, I think the ideas show true imagination, you would expect no more from the mind of Robert Holmes, sadly, something just isn't right.

The dialogue isn't good, it's bland and boring, it's an unimaginative production, with static characters speaking forgettable lines. The accents.... are abysmal, was there any need to try and made the characters American, they didn't need to be.

I love the fact that this episode exists, it's such an important insight into The Space Pirates, we see the cast, we see the sets, and we get to see......the troubles.

Were they perhaps focused too much on the upcoming twelve part finale for The Second Doctor, this so while feels a little unloved.

Gordon Costelow could have been amusing as Milo Clancey, he looks the part, but again, that accent is hard to get past.

The TARDIS crew have been largely absent for the most part, which really is a shame, it improves a lot when they're on screen, but they're rarely present. I do like the situation they find themselves in.

Is that a wig or a helmet?

It's slow, but does have a few nice ideas. 5/10.
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