Review of Lupin

Lupin (2021– )
A French Sherlock Holmes!
24 March 2021
Lupin happily surprised me and Omar Sy was the perfect actor to play a suave, charming thief. He wowed me with his performance in Jurassic World and I was so pleased to see him again. The series, however, does have some serious faults. But first, let's discuss what the show does well.

The tone of the series is sleek, meaning that every scene pops and draws the attention of the viewer. I found myself feeling almost like I was looking at a painting, my eyes never seemed to drift away from the screen. Not that I had much choice since I watched Lupin in its native language of French.

Another reason not to avert one's eyes is to witness Omar Sy's captivating performance as Assane Diop. His character is a cross between Danny Ocean and Sherlock Holmes: calculating with a sense of flair and improvisation. He is inspired by the actions of Arsene Lupin as that was his favorite book series as a child. He frequently leaves small callbacks or references to events found in those books when he commits one of his elaborate crimes. Each episode contains different tricks and I would never know what Assane would be planning. However, this is where I started to see issues with the writing.

Two come to mind immediately and it shifted my thoughts away from what was happening in front of me to wondering how something so blatant could not be addressed. I did not mind, but it did trouble me slightly. I think the show needs to improve on lazy writing and provide answers. Lupin continues the trope of inept policemen and I think that is what is responsible for these plot holes.

The writers want to depict Assane as a genius, but this is at the detriment of other characters. The main character is only as smart as his writer/s and the writers make other characters seem like bumbling idiots in comparison. Even Assane's decisions are extremely questionable and seem too dumb for a character like himself. Assane makes a decision in one episode that makes no sense whatsoever. Given his ability to improvise under stress, it felt odd to see him make such a critical error in judgement.

That being said, I did love the show. Despite the plot holes, I was amazed by the action, drama, suspense and originality. Other TV shows have attempted to do what Lupin has, but I have only seen successful heist plots in film. Lupin has a concise plot line and still has all of the elements of a heist movie. I am a newfound fan of Omar Sy and will watch his future projects.

I definitely recommend watching the show, I loved learning new words and seeing everyday life of a different culture. Lupin is not perfect, but it is still a very impressive series and I admired that it was not something that I had really seen before. Thank you for reading my review and I hope that you found it to be helpful.
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