I can't believe I liked it
24 March 2021
I don't usually go in for end-of-the-world movies, but I watched the preview to see if it would be too scary. I'll try anything with Julia Stiles in it, out of loyalty to all the teen movies she made when I was growing up. The preview was hilarious, so I ended up watching the whole movie. The humor is very dark, quick, and cynical, so if you're not in the mood for it, you don't stand a chance at liking it. But if you like black comedies and think you could handle laughing at the end of the world, you'll probably love it.

A group of friends all get together for usual brunches, but during one brunch, they find out that poisonous gas bombs have been set off and everyone on the planet is going to die. Everyone reacts in different ways, from doubt to laughter to denial to fear to a free-for-all bucket list. All bets are off in the last final hours left to live, and it's actually quite funny. Long-standing grudges and petty fights are brought out into the open. One of the friends jumps into bed with someone else's spouse because, why not? Self-preservation is at its finest when the couple who's always late finally shows up, knocking frantically at the front door and begging for shelter. Julia Stiles refuses to let them in, smirks, and says, "Maybe you should learn to show up to things on time."

Believe me, I'm the very last person you'd expect to enjoy this movie. I'm notorious for hating this genre, either turning the films off or running out of the room in tears. If I actually liked this one and laughed at the unexpected dark humor, it's an enormous compliment. And I'll never hear "In the Hall of the Mountain King" the same way again.
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