Spring Tonic (1935)
27 March 2021
An excellent comical whirlwind of action and chuckles. It is strange that a 1935 film would have three leading Ladies controlling the action and laughs. Claire Trevor is the head strong, rich heiress fleeing a marriage rehearsal and has to drag along her maid in the escaping car. The maid Zasu Pitts is the real highlight of the film. Zasu does her usual fearful screaming/ dithering, plus 4 comical routines. She destroys a chest of drawers. Falls over clinging to a sign post. I laughed out loud at her telephone routine with the operator and then in the hotel basement repeatedly sitting on a musical instrument. Tina Binall plays a dominatrix in her circus tiger trainer uniform. She cracks her whip and snarls at any man who crosses her path including her spineless Latin womanising husband. A great action packed story with many characters fliting in and out adding to the action.
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