Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
30 March 2021
I was sceptical about this one. I was sceptical about Anime in general. I really thought that i wouldnt find the art styles and expressions generally used in Anime appealing. I thought that it wouldnt take itself seriously. Personally, i like shows and movies with a serious thematic and consequences. Something gritty, somewhat violent, powerful. I thought that Anime cant be serious and cant tell good stories. I was wrong.

Attack on Titan is brilliant at displaying a creative world, with so much lore and history. When they show you the walls, the villages, the green fields, everything breathes with soul and character. Beautiful art and visuals. You look at all these people, minding their business, living a peaceful life, being happy. And then, it gets destroyed. The peace breaks, the cheers and laughter turn into screams. Everything crumbles. It would be easy to give up facing all this terror. But do the characters give up? Do they let themselves be defeated by the enemy? No. They fight back. Some with unimaginable rage and passion, some by intelligence, some by creativity, some by weapons, and some by hope. And when you see these characters struggle, overcome a far more powerful threat, you realise that you are hooked. You cheer for them as they prepare for their next battle.

Sometimes you think to yourself: "Well, i guess this is over now" and just when you think that you got the story figured out, Attack on Titan changes the game on you and now, you have no clue what is going on. Very few things can surprise you as much as this Anime.

I struggle with analyzing Attack on Titan and finding any real flaws to it. A lot is going on and there are lots of emotions and stories to figure out. Every character has some motivation and something drives them towards their goal, be it good or bad in our eyes. This Anime never bores you and always keeps you guessing.

After finishing The Final Season Part 1, i can say with confidence that this is probably the best thing i have ever watched so far, and that i am going to have a hard time with finding a better Anime than this one. Extremely excited for Part 2, hope it comes sooner rather than later, and i hope that you give this Anime a chance.
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