Longmire: Goodbye Is Always Implied (2017)
Season 6, Episode 10
Everyone Who Was Paying Attention Knew Vic And Walt Would End Up Together!
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I do not get why people think that the fact that this incredible series ended with Vic and Walt together? It was obvious that she had feelings for him from the first few episodes. It is a great show and sadly it should have been a few more seasons long. I admit that I have problems with people that think that the relationship between Vic and Walt is not possible. Love is love people and it does not constitute Daddy Issues or should it be viewed as icky or some physiological issue. To some of us age is just a number. I meet my husband when I was 30yrs old and he was 60! Twice my age and it was something that I was not exactly looking for as I have always been attracted to older men. I initially was looking for an older man in the 45 to 50 age bracket. A lot of this was that most people my age were immature and they were still acting like they were in their early 20s! We talked for months and finally met in person in New Orleans and I for me it was love at first sight in love. He was the one who was worried about the age difference. He did not actually think I was even going to show up in New Orleans. I would not give up the 22yrs we have had in a serious and monogamous relationship for anything. I could not have found a more honest and faithful life partner and we finally got married in 2016. I hit the big 50 last year and he hit 80. He does not look like he is that old. This past year while in self quarantine has brought us closer together and we have never had a fight in the time we have been together. Not many people can say that about their relationship. We talk out issues and we do not get mad or raise our voices. It is not a control issue or anything else except LOVE!

I knew that the time we would have together was going to be short but we are still together and I am taking care of him and will always be there to do so! I have no doubt that he will probably out live me as I have had some sports injuries that are affecting me more every day. We have traveled extensively and have done more together than I probably would have never been able to do if I was in a relationship with someone who is closer to my own age. I owned my own business and made a lot of money on my own so it was not about money or gifts, but the chemistry between us was very apparent and it has grown much stronger with time. Now he feels extremely lucky to have me as well as I feel to have him. I probably will never meet anyone else who I can trust to be faithful. He is the love of my life and I am his!
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