Review of The Wire

The Wire (2002–2008)
In a class of its own
1 April 2021
I wont spam praises for this show, it has some years under its belt and even more compliments and reviews made about it. I will just say this: The Wire is THE most realistic TV Show of all time. Nothing comes close. It aint even fair to call this a Show, it is like someone put cameras in police offices and peoples homes in a real American city. It tells beautiful stories that aim straight at your heart.

The praise you hear about this show is absolutely justified, and if you are a fan of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Game of Thrones etc. Do not waste a single second and watch this right now! The Wire will blow your mind with its unique charm and breathtaking atmosphere.

I usually point one cast member out in my reviews as special, but the entire cast in The Wire deserves all the praise in the world. An absolutely fantastic job from top to bottom.

I wish i had something more insightful to say about it, there is plenty to digest and analyze about The Wire, but i will leave it to people smarter than me. GO WATCH THIS NOW!!!
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