Super fun & lighthearted movie!
2 April 2021
Listen, I am not a film student or professional critic, just an ordinary person looking for something enjoyable to watch. I don't watch a lot of comedy movies, because generally I don't find them that funny. (I am more into thrillers & mysteries). I must admit though, I really enjoyed "The War With Grandpa" - it is fun, light-hearted and has highly relatable & non-offensive humour. It isn't a rowdy, laugh-until-you-cry kind of comedy. However, it is amusing throughout. I spent most of the movie giggling & thinking, "THAT IS SO TRUE!!!!". For instance, (without revealing any major plot details) - the shoppers furious with the grocery store self-serve checkouts, the young son being moved to the bat-filled attic to make way for his grandfather moving in (I giggled when I saw the creepy attic which is only outdone by the even nastier basement!!!), the little girl (played by Poppy Gagnon) who is obsessed with Christmas, the older sister embarrassing her younger brother at school (wow, is she effective!), the husband not permitted by his wife to use a chainsaw.... Seriously, even the scenes of the kids in grade school will take you back to your own school days, no matter what age you are! If you told me before today I would watch a movie and laugh aloud at humour about Grade 6 students, (which is FAR too many years ago - I didn't think I even remembered!) - I would NOT have believed you. Although the main character played by Robert De Niro is a rather stereotypical senior citizen (for example - reluctant to embrace technology), the movie also shows that the "stereotype" is a broad generalization that is (of course) not universally accurate - because Robert De Niro's senior citizen friends are hip, fresh, active & keep up with the latest trends. And trust me, you don't need to be Robert De Niro's age to be amused at his character - I found his difficulty using a tablet reflected my own, & the staring-at-nothing-while-listening-to-soppy-music is an almost universal cheezy experience. All of the actors are good in their roles (Uma Thurman is a bit wooden IMO but again, what do I know?). Poppy Gagnon, who plays the Christmas-obsessed daughter, really "pops" in this- she is so relatable, likeable and enjoyable to watch (and normally I find it hard to "suspend disbelief" when watching child actors). Poppy Gagnon is delightful in her role. BOTTOM-LINE: The movie is lighthearted fun & suitable for most viewers, including youngsters. Or in my case, an uplifting movie to enjoy on a rainy COVID day! I give it 8 out of 10 stars for general enjoy-ability and everybody-friendly humour.
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