Better if you like pretentiousness
10 April 2021
There are two metrics relevant to ZSJL. First is the JWJL of 2017, the other is, of course, The Avengers Saga.

The JWJL Movie attempted to use the Flash's Nebbish Neurosis and Aguaman's slacker angst as comic relief. Whedon obviously used these two devices to try to match the light-hearted humor that is seamlessly integrated throughout the Marvel Universe. In terms of box office, you can assume that Studio Bigwigs wanted to see this kind of movie...laden with flashy action sequences and one liners by stars. But the problem is that the Avengers was a stew of many parts slowly developed over a series of movies. You knew who Thor was. You knew Ironman was a quipster. You knew the GOTG was based upon sly puns and buddy humor. Those jokes came naturally. But...when the Flash is doing a George Costanza routine...it was a little off putting.

And then there is the multiple movie Universe Spanning arc of the Avengers. Little did we know that the Red Skull in Captain America had an Infinity Stone, or that Loki did. This decade long series of hints and easter eggs slowly developed into the Galactic Space Opera Infinity Wars/End Game. We were ready for it. In Whedon's movie, Steppinwolf and the unity of the boxes, just did not have the Gravitas needed to compel us.

Snyder's four hour multi-chapter movie tries to correct some of these mistakes.

The Aquaman Movie took care of that character. The Flash movie is coming, so they didn't do much to explain him, they simply toned down the Woodie Allen act and played him a little straighter. Cyborg, for me, is maybe one of the best comic characters. There is a poignant tragedy behind the character, and Ray Fisher is way underrated in how well he brings pathos to that character. I personally would have loved to have seen a separate origin film for Cyborg. I personally like Affleck as Batman in the sense he looks like Batman. But the personal dynamics of Dawn of Justice viciousness between two supposedly intelligent good guys never really worked, and neither does their new found alliance. At their core...they both seem like dicks. Gal Godot brings an exotic aspect to Wonder Woman that works in all the movies so far.

So what do we wind up with. Certainly a better told, slower paced, slow brew story that sheds humor and becomes completely earnest and somewhat dark. We get some strange out of left field components that are related to the expansion of the DC Cinematic Universe, the Multiverse scenario that both Marvel and DC are moving towards, and a possible extension of some future story involving these Justice League Characters, Jared Leto's Batman, The Martian Manhunter and a run amok Superman.

Maybe this take goes too far in shedding the light-hearted humor of a Summer Action movie. Maybe the big fight climax is not that much different or better than the first version. It still falls short of the Marvel plot and pace. It still would have been improved if origin movies of the other characters had been done first. Batman and Superman still come across as stiffs. All in all, we are not humming as smoothly as Marvel has done.
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