Review of Anne

The Blacklist: Anne (2021)
Season 8, Episode 13
Another Brilliant Blacklister-Free Episode
17 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the one off, no Blacklister, episodes are standouts and this one is no different. Red is taking a weekend trip to Kansas to spend with Anne. It's revealed Red has spent several weekends with her! Anne is an escape from his own twisted world. Dembe warns Red his behavior will be noticed by Townsend, that he's putting Anne in danger. Dembe wants to come along, but Red dismisses these concerns and goes alone. He has a great time with Anne and her friends. Their relationship has progressed offscreen, but in a believable and sweet way. Their bliss is short lived and soon enough all hell breaks loose. One of the best episodes this season, maybe even in the whole of the series. LaChanze who plays Anne, is an absolute treasure. James Spader brings it every week. Kathryn Erbe was wonderful as well, nice to see her back on TV. The range of these actors is on display and contributes greatly to a stellar episode of an uneven series.

The only downside of this episode is that irksome Neville Townsend character is still breathing. He's no where near as threatening as he should be, and I don't know if it's bad casting, weird writing, or both. He feels more like an ant Red couldn't be bothered to track down and squish rather than a legitimate thorn in the side.

An unseen Liz returns in a way that makes me continue to loathe the character. Next week is all about Lizzie, so savor this episode before the writers seemingly try yet again to make us side with the character they have the worst time writing for. Unless they reveal she's been severely brain damaged or under Katarina's mind control since early season 7, there's no getting me or anyone I know to sympathize with her these days (sorry, Ms. Boone, it is not your fault). Seemingly the only viewers pro-Liz these days are in one of two shipping factions, "Lizzington" or "keenler". God help the rest of us if the writers give in completely and pander to one (or both, ick) of those sects. I'm sure I'll be ranting here next week.
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