Sad But Happy??
14 May 2021
I liked this anime a lot but i'm not sure why every episode made me feel like i was missing out and i felt super jealous because i wasn't Futaba... I liked Kou before Futaba changed him, like when he was cold and emotionless and didn't have much energy. That Kou was really cute and Yuuri annoys me a lot too i don't know why. Basically i don't hate the plot its fine i guess nothing to interesting but i have something against these characters and their development besides that the animes overall was very cute this is review is very different from my other reviews cause at this point i'm just hating on it but i would recommend all Shoujo watchers to watch this, its adorable and it only gets better... I don't plan on reading the manga cause its not That interesting, i think I've seen enough of this plot at this point either way very good anime :))
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