It was a great step up from the previous film
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll say it. I wasn't expecting to like this one, but it was a great improvement from the last film.

I believe that it was mainly because it was written by Joss Whedon, whose work I've been a fan of, so that might have helped.

That said, it still wasn't, to me, at the level of the first two movies. But that doesn't make it a bad film.

Alien: Resurrection managed to capture the atmosphere of the first two movies very well, something that was missing in the previous outing. Some scenes were really perfect in that sense.

Finally, the effects were better. At the level of the first two movies. The Xenomorphs got the justice they deserved after the mess of the third movie. And we get to see the Queen once again, which is always a pleasure.

The only aspects I mainly didn't like were how they cloned Ripley. I think it's a plot difficult to execute and ripped the emotion of Ripley's death in the previous movie (even though it had little to no emotion to me). But it stopped bothering me after the amazing performance of Sigourney Weaver. Seeing her in such a OP version was really amazing to witness. Never thought I would like it so much.

The other aspect was the appearance of the last creature. The son of the Queen, if I can call it that. I understand that they were trying a new look, since it was born in a different way, because Ripley's DNA allowed the Queen to develop an uterus and give birth as female humans. But the creature appearance wasn't executed well enough for me, it broke the movie a little.

That said, Alien Resurrection was a pleasant surprise in comparison with the third one. It was a good step up from the previous film and it managed to breathe a new life in Sigourney Weaver's performance.
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