Review of The Fall

The Fall (I) (2006)
What the hell folks?
19 May 2021
I'll say it up front. Tarsem doesn't have a single original bone in his body. He tries to mimic- sorry, RIP OFF the works of others and expects to be hailed as an artistic genius? How do you not see it??? Blatant visual replication of Baraka, Dalí, the many works of Kurosawa. Story elements of Baron Munchausen, Amelie, City of lost Children, Cinema Paradiso, Zorro, Homer's Odyssy, The Wizard of Oz- and a hint of Return to Oz, and A Little Princess. I'm sure there's many folktales in there as well. I could forgive all of this if he actually did something with it. But no, it's a visual hodgepodge with no good story, shallow characterization, no suspense or any real drama, and crappy acting due to poor direction. The little girl has great personality, but she's either not a good actress or she was poorly directed. I'm betting on the latter.

When I hear people who are supposed to be film buffs or cinephiles mention this movie like it's been unfairly brushed aside- there's a reason for that! It's not good and nearly everything in it has been stolen from something else. I aware of the fact that other directors steal from their cohorts. Tarantino specifically. The distinguishing factor here is that the good ones take it and make it their own. You pick up on where the element is coming from and see how they change or improve that to make you say- "Oh wow! The way he did that was awesome! I know he got it from (blankly blank) but man! That worked really well in that scene!" That doesn't happen in The Fall. Having someone on screen cry to make a scene emotional doesn't automatically make it emotional.

The movie delivers with the eye candy visuals, but the sad fact is that all of it has been done before. He did this before when he made The Cell.

Tarsem fans- HE'S A HACK!
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