Review of The Toll

The Toll (I) (2020)
Interesting Premise.
21 May 2021
Firstly, I must say that main Female character is stupid, annoying, selfish, spoiled, entitled and an all around bad person. Very realistic to Modern Women, But I really wish a writer would write a likeable Female Character and stop making them so true to life. And the movie obviously wants us to be on her side, but other than just being a Woman, we're given no reason to remotely like her. Maybe Women will. :)

The main Male is an awkward, probably virgin. And he does grow on you. Mainly from being treated so bad by Annoying Girl.

The story itself is rather interesting, even if the Toll Man looks like the Tall Man. And i'll give the filmmakers credit for coming up with a mostly original idea. I don't need to recap, you can read the Synopsis above.

Asides from a scene with a purely expositional character, who shows up to tell the characters what's going on, an ending that is barely justified and of course Annoying Girl. This was a very enjoyable movie. Maybe not worth a second watch, but it a sequel came out, i'd watch it.

So long as their is a likeable Female Character in it.
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