Turtles Take Manhattan
25 May 2021
This game is a straight to console sequel to the "TMNT" arcade game and I personally think it's a very sold one. It was also one of the last Turtles games for the NES (the other was "Tournament Fighters" but the NES version wasn't very good) let alone ironically this game came near the twilight years of the Turtle's franchise and I felt for one of the final Turtles game the Turtles left the NES on a high note in my book.

This game is another of my favorite Turtles games and an honorable mention in favorite beat em ups. It's true this game doesn't bring a whole lot new to the table. But the beat em up gameplay mechanics from the previous game (TMNT 2: The Arcade Game) is still intact and what I like about the sequel are there are some significant improvements that make this game stand out and fun all the same.

I really like the plotline which is pretty typical for anyone that is familiar with the 80's cartoon. As Krang and Shredder are up to no good as usual when they decide to hold a part of New York City for ransom and of course the Turtles must as usual do their thing which is save New York from them.

That's it in a nutshell, the plotline isn't really that important, but I like it all the same because it's true to the spirt of the show, though it's a bit eerily prolific as the whole raising the city in the air idea was years before "Avengers: Age of Ultron", wonder if Joss Wheldon played this game. Also, it's a shame the plotline from this game wasn't the one for that lousy third and final "TMNT" movie. You could say this game is the real third movie we never had.

The graphical presentation is solid like with "TMNT 2: The Arcade Game" but the details are a little tighter and even like the character expressions making the game lively. But also like the designs of the backgrounds which are also lively and varied.

The gameplay mechanics is intact as you still have all four turtles to play, have the typical buttons attack and jump. But there are some added things which enhance the experience. Like the hit detection is a lot tighter and feel like the hits you deliver do have more impact. You have a decent combo to deliver but the novelty in this game is you have a function where if you run you can execute a move, like with Leo it's being able to lift and throw bad guys over your shoulder with his katana.

But of course, the best feature are the power moves each character does when pushing both buttons simultaneously. With Leo it's being a blender as he twirls with both Katana blades, Raphael diving and acting as a drill bit in motion. But of course, there is a catch, by using these powers you drain some of your life, so it's a risk and survival factor; you can use your power move anytime you want when you need it but it's not without cost.

Really like the variety in levels and the game is a little longer as it has plenty of them. I never have a problem with more levels in beat em ups or any game if they keep things interesting and the momentum up and this game managed to do that. Each of the levels are different and are sort of divided into two stages. When you go though the first half you sometimes have a mini boss to deal with and then you must go through the second half which at times is an extension of the level but with whole different obstacles to deal with or even just something completely different. I really like that giving the game a slight unpredictability and causing you to do some quick adjustments.

I like the variety in the enemies from the usual foot each with different colors and functions and any other creatures and obstacles that have it in for you. Along with the bosses and mini bosses that have a moderate difficulty, though not hard to beat once you get their attack pattern down.

There is a nice variety on them as they consist of the usual villains from the 80's cartoon, but also a few of the toy line that never made it to the cartoon, a few made up, but also it has both Tokka and Razar from the "TMNT 2" live action film which I thought was a nice addition and for the record I do like that sequel.

The other highlight of course is the music, this game has some of the best video game tracks in my book and some are favorites of mine that you can play when you are working out or kicking and punching the bag. There are so many good tracks it's almost hard to decide which are favorites, I'll leave that up to you as its music after all music is a mater of one's preference; but the tracks all have one thing in common as they all sing out Turtles and fast hard hitting action.

Overall, I thought this was very solid game, if you're a fan of Turtles or even vintage beat em ups, then this is worth a surf in the sewer.

Rating: 3 and a half stars.
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