Beautifully Animated, Well-written and Heart-Touching
26 May 2021
Anime's like these are actually very rare. Specially shounens like these. This anime had a mix of everything from sadness to comedy to beautifully animated, breath-taking fight scenes. Straight from the first episode I was in love with this show. Personally I don't like over-powered main characters specially ones with a hero complex or so but Tanjiro's Character was written so beautifully everything about him was great. To be honest I love a sister-loving Elder brother in Animes and specially in shounen anime. I love how the entire point of Tanjiro's life was turning his sister back into human and that's what the show is all about i do not want to give any spoilers but everyone will definitely love this show. The animators and the voice actors did a amazing job as well in showing us what the characters really feel like.
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