A pleasant surprise bad reviews nonwithstanding
6 June 2021
I went into The Woman in the Window after reading a review attempting to tear down the piece but only making me want to watch it more. An ambitious neo-Hitchcockian thriller where Amy Adams does nothing all day but roam her egregiously posh NYC apartment cosplaying as the guy from Rear Window, life goals by the way, sounded like a lot of fun. And guess what, it is!

I see some complain that the characters don't act like real people and I have some news for them: this is not a documentary of your local grocery store this is a thriller and these people are actors. None of this is real. It is intentionally stagey and melodramatic. I don't go bursting into monologues about sanity but damn does it make for compelling cinema.

This honestly gets my positive review for being a well crafted albeit pretentious affair (I would not want to ever ever EVER be in the same room as the director because oh my goodness does the direction reek of multiple diagnosable superiority and narcissistic complexes, though realizing it's Joe Wright maybe he gets a pass for making Atonement and Darkest Hour) and it gets my perfect rating for that monologue halfway though the movie and I'm trying to stick up for an unduly hated upon flick. Back to the monologue though, I swear they thought they really had some gold on their hands and that that would be the scene to finally win Amy her Oscar (and I know that was the point in the script her and her agent signed on in the first place) but yea this flopped unfortunately.

It's one of those things where I'm the only person in the world that likes it apparently though so long as there are people who can appreciate a well told story with detective aspects and easily digestible themes like grief rather than every movie trying to be an allegory for the Iranian middle crisis or something then I will continue to sing its praises. But it's also like definitely a Not Good movie and all the jokes about it being trash and funny and well warranted, I just landed on the 'loves it' side of mixed reviews.
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