Kind of a Poor Story
25 June 2021
Without Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie, this slow-moving thriller would simply just be a dull, weak mystery. And although it can be quite tricky in certain areas, the film's puzzle isn't psychotic enough to fully engage. So The Bone Collector is pretty satisfactory, but is at least watchable.

So you can expect The Bone Collector to contain the usual decent performances of Washington and Jolie, but the cast saves the story from being completely flat. Compared to most mystery-thrillers and whodunnits, there isn't too much to expect other than some suspense. This movie will have your attention but is mainly just dull in a watchable kind of way.

Yes, the pace is decent, but the film itself is just a bland and unexciting idea. The Bone Collector is likeable, but isn't so much a story you'd wanna watch over and over again.

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