House M.D.: Damned If You Do (2004)
Season 1, Episode 5
Holy Tea
1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"When I was 15, I was on every kind of birth control known to Man and I still got pregnant. I blamed God, I hated Him for ruining my life, but then I realised something: you can't be angry with God and not believe Him at the same time"

She says she was on every kind of birth control, but she might have forgotten that abstinence is a form of birth control and the only one that is 100% efficient, so she is either Holy Mary or she was lying and as House says: "Everybody lies". Not only that, she blamed God for something she did, out of her own will? Still, logic isn't necessary to believe in a higher being.

Also, it kinda bothers me how the "same" mistake happened at two episodes in a row, the last one the kid getting cough medicine from his mum without telling his doctors, now we have a nun drinking tea - that mislead everyone on the issue she had - and no one says anything against it?
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