In Treatment: Brooke - Week 6 (2021)
Season 4, Episode 24
Mixed bag this latest season
3 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so I just want to say. In treatment helped me deal with issues in my own life in the past and upon the recent rewatch. Seasons 1-3 are absolute master classes in writing, acting and presentation. So simple, yet rich with psychological waxing and working through the wonderful world of Life.

As Paul story is finished for now, His protege Brooke takes the stand.

Uzo gives such a commanding presence from start to finish. Love her dimensions as she constantly tries to do right by her patients and checks in on herself all the time. It's a great method acting technique and feels natural.

Love her arc throughout. That being said. Everything was a mixed bag Eladios sessions are wonderful. I felt great Chemistry between the two of them. And the final session broke my heart. It explores a different kind of transference this time, the mothering aspect that's there from session one.

Collin.. well I wrote a review on him before. But to briefly summarize. He's a soundboard and Brooke i felt is out of character then.

I didn't like Laila at first, yet I knew I would and did. She's very well spoken and although the lectures sort of continued from Wed, it stuck to more personal issues she was experiencing along with her toxic grandmother. All wonderfully played.

Rita and Adam never quite fit with the tone. They felt alien to me. The fact that Brooke didn't pick up on Rita's lack of boundaries and controlling issues irked me. This woman is a hawk and it seems she sort of tricked herself there.

And also there is no end arc with her. She just accepts Rita's toxic behavior and approach to her being a sponsor. I don't know that experience and can't speak on it. Yet; just seeing the friendship dynamic, it didn't feel healthy and I feel Rita was enabling in her own way. As she said. So that's just left in the air.

Same with Adam..come on, the plot felt like a CW show. If she was in her 20's and fresh out of therapy supervision, ok, that makes sense she is still learning. But she seems to already be well established and it just makes no sense to me. Just felt inconsistent and that's the tone this season When it hits, it hits hard and is poignant. Yet there are times when the writing just felt cheap and rushed as it was a shorter season Also NO PAUL?! Are you kidding me. I expected a cameo a few times. Heck, I wish they had sessions like Gina, come on, to have Paul in that position. Excellent opportunity and I wanted to see them verbally spar on the couch.

Nope. Instead he's treated like they did the old cast in Star Wars, now too old and not important. What's with the disrespect? It wouldn't of impacted Brookes time at all.

I think it's time In treatment ends therapy. The damage is done.

If you wish to view for the sake of completion. Just know that Paul gets about less than 10 mentions and is not seen. Not even for a zoom call.

Seasons 1-3 are the true seasons of in treatment. This is a spin off that failed IMO.

I'd like to watch the original Israeli version at some point too.

4/10 for overall presentation 9/10 for Uzo's acting and outfits. Damn she kills it regardless.
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