Star Wars satire. Lore out the window. Is people getting paid to give a good rating?
6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the score this film has in this site. It is one of the worst films ever made. And if we think this is supposed to be Star Wars, it's even worse. The prequels are jewels compared to this. Makes you miss JarJar and the Gungans, who actually seemed like creatures from this universe.

. Star Wars lore is completely tossed out the window. All that Lucas thought, that fascinated fans, and made Star Wars survive through the years, all out to the trash.

. There goes the respect for old masters who were wise and could pass their knowledge training younger generations, like Yoda, or even the Sith master and apprentice. They needed some hardcore training, like lifelong training. Now, abilities just happen, no one needs training to become a Jedi or a Sith, to use the Force or to wield a light saber. Even a stormtrooper can wield one. No more Padawans, no apprentices, no masters, it's instantaneous. And old masters, like Luke, are cowards who live in hiding and talk nonsense (are we talking about the same guy who faced Vader, the most badass baddie in the history of film? Yup).

. There goes the Force, the energy of life, that made us all one. Now, the Force is just magic. It works like the magic in Harry Potter. You can virtually do anything with it. Come back from the dead (Anakin became Vader for this, something that was actually so easy to do!), make objects appear and disappear, get into someone's head to just have some conversation like if it were a phone, physically fight an opponent who is in another planet, project yourself like a hologram, etc. And everything is effortlessly. Luke had some hard time floating the Xwing, but the small master Yoda is so wise and powerful that he can do it, giving us one of the best scenes ever made. Now, a couple of no ones fight over who floats a huge freighter ship that is actually flying away with its engines on. I thought I was watching Magneto or the MCU.

. And the last act is so lame, you just feel embarrassed. SPOILER - How many times can you fry an enemy with his own lightning? It's like the third time already, does this guy never learn? And to think it only took deflecting the rays with a lightsaber. If only Yoda had known.

. What a piece of trash this was. Star Wars is the first six episodes, and this trilogy is a satire. The new characters are forgettable and the old ones are wiped out without remorse. I feel bad for the actors who probably love their 40 year old characters and had to come back to do this crap.
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