Doctor Who: Day of the Moon (2011)
Season 6, Episode 2
A last sigh for Steven Moffat
7 July 2021
It seems in the Moffat era of Doctor Who that every two prayer will have a great first part and a disappointing second part. This happened a lot twice in season 5 and it has happened here again. So much is left unexplained and the teasing of future episodes with the pregnancy stuff just left me feeling sour. It's clear as day that Moffat can write a compelling story but his need to tie everything into the main arc of the series as a showrunner really annoys me. All of the stuff involving Richard Nixon is great and the visual appeal is nice as well but the story is where the whole thing falls apart. Rory regresses in character and too much time is crammed into a 45 minute episode, making the whole thing feel so rushed. Despite me not really looking forward to watching the next episode (the next time trailer looked iffy), i'm hoping it will at least be self contained and won't try and bait me into watching more with teases and mysteries (almost as if the format of the show isn't enough of a reason to keep watching). The episode starts out needlessly complicated and ends in an insultingly simplistic way. I could pray all day that future episodes will make up for episodes like these and maybe i'll like this episode more looking back but i'm extremely doubtful of that happening. Well done Steven.
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