The Mandalorian (2019– )
Rekindling my love for the franchise
18 July 2021
I don't have the words to explain the excellency here, and many more have said most of the things I'd want to say, but better.

I'll just add one thing.

This series has brought back all the memories, all the passion, I used to have for the franchise a long time ago.

After the prequels (which I liked, to an extent) it sort of faded out for me. It was a combination of things, but there just wasn't anything compelling enough around from that time all the way up to last year.

I have to say, it feels so weird. I watched the new movies and while they were generally okay, they lacked... something? I don't know what it is, but this show has it in abundance. I gave a shot to rogue one too, but it just felt like none of that had the x factor that made it so soulful in the first place.

I never attempted to watch the animated series, since at that point I had already lost most of my interest and it just seemed weird for someone who isn't accustomed to cartoons or animations.

But after finally taking the leap to watch this show -- I owe it to myself to check out the animated series as well.

This show was a complete surprise. It took me this long to view it in the first place, because I had so lukewarm experiences with all the new entries in the franchise that I just assumed this was equally uninteresting.

But it turns out this rivals the original trilogy and really sets the bar high for future spin-offs and adjacent stories.

The ending of season 2 was powerful. Very powerful.

I just...

I feel like I'm in this production's debt. This brought up so many feelings and memories I thought lost forever.

Just top-notch work from everyone involved.

I haven't followed the show very close, so I don't know if there will be more seasons, but I will certainly mark the premieres on my calendar from now on.

Next up, I think I'll start with the animated series, finally.
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