Good Movie Buried Beneath Twitterati Cringe
25 July 2021
Art reflects culture. But these days culture has been usurped by social media culture and now we have movies reflecting that distorted image of our most obnoxious extremes instead of reflecting ourselves.

Werewolves Within is all over the place. Nothing makes sense and it wants to have its cake and eat it too. People in this Vermont town are evil white people but also very nice. They are supposedly intolerant yet they have gender-neutral bathrooms. The government is pure and good. The freedom-loving people are bad. But the "good guys" are obnoxiously self-righteous and it's hard to tell if they're meant to come off that way or not.

You can tell there was likely a decent script here that got touched by too many hands to make a good film. Its kindergarten message-be a good neighbor-barely makes it over the finish line. If you're looking for a good horror comedy, keep looking; but if you're looking for a deeply flawed one that kills 90 minutes, you found it.
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