Review of Colewell

Colewell (2019)
Sad and Depressing, but Honest
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What year was it? Why didn't she have a TV or a radio or a car? She was poor but she could afford something to ease her loneliness. This is a sad movie about an old lady who is forced to retire as a rural postal service person who has her post office in her own home, which is a gathering place for the town. Everyone is upset when they have to close the post office down to have post boxes installed but yet when Nora has to retire nobody seems to come around and console her. Why aren't they there after she's retired. A small country town being upgraded is painful to watch. Then they bring in this young hitchhiking girl out of nowhere who was a very similar lost person like Nora (postal worker) was but they never really connect except for a few hours. I didn't get why she was in the movie at all. All I know, I thought this was a sad movie (being an older than the postal woman in it and having being pushed out my job as I got older, I can relate). If you like sad slow movies you'll like this. It was nicely done albeit bleak and Karen Allen's (Nora) acting was really good. I like her a lot but I really did not care for her part in it. It was too depressing. It seems they do not make happy movies today; could it be the world is just an unhappy place. Then again it is what we make it. Try the movie you might like it. Being old and retired doesn't need to be sad. Losing a lifetime heartfelt job is sad.
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