7 August 2021
Before I talk about the film, let me talk a bit about DCEU. The difference between DC and Marvel (and why Marvel is more successful than DC) is the people behind them. The people/company behind Marvel (Disney) know and plan everything. They even planned this whole MCU thing ever since 2008's Iron Man. They know what they are doing, where they are heading with their characters, stories, and films, and how to do them and write them right. That's why their Universe is more successful. But, for DC the people/company behind it (Warner Bros.) are ruining this beautiful universe that's filled with great characters by bringing the wrong people to direct/write their movies which brings chaos to the films and world of the DCEU. Or they create issues with the right director like Zack Snyder (which we all saw how he was building that big/creative universe in Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) and where it was going). However, this time DC choses James Gunn to write & direct this film which if you're not familiar with, he directed Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014) and Vol. 2 (2017). And this is the second proof (after Snyder's) that when having the right person/people behind a film, they will kill it. And THIS IS HOW "The SUICIDE SQUAD" STORY SHOULD LOOK LIKE. And that's all thanks to James Gunn.

So happy that the film got an R rating because the suicide squad story should be like that. It should be full of blood, comedy, craziness, violence, disgusting action scenes, and curse words. Thank god they didn't care about the film being PG 13+ or whatever so more people could see it. And I feel like James Gunn was behind that part. It's not a suicide squad film if there were no sexual, bloody, violent, and disgusting content.

The cinematography was beyond amazing and the film presented some new ideas. Like, in one scene (dw no spoilers) two characters were fighting and we were seeing it through the reflection of a helmet. Or in a specific fight scene, instead of "blood" coming out of the bodies, it was "flowers" which made the 3 or 5 min action sequence very colorful and fun to watch. The camera movements were also great and felt that they sometimes were steady handheld which was so unique. Also loved how the film picks slow motion in certain times only to show the chaos that's happening around and they were very limited which is a good thing.

For the third time, Margot Robbie proves that she is the best portrayal of Harley Quinn and I cannot imagine anyone other than her as Harley Quinn. She presents the beauty, craziness, and wildness of the character. Idris Alba really surprised me. His character was very well written and Idris played it so right. The real surprise was John Cena. Personally, I don't like Cena's acting. But, in this film his acting was alright and the thing that helped him is how good his character (Peacemaker) is written. Especially that Peacemaker has a huge impact on the story of the film and the future of DCEU. Daniela Melchior gave the film such a warm/soft vibe and her acting was well done especially in the emotional scenes. The whole cast was just amazing and each actor/actress played their role perfectly.

Really loved the music in the film. And if you have seen Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) you'd know that it has the same style/vibe. The costumes were brilliant and loved how James kept the original costume of each character from the comics which made the film/character even more special & real. Also, loved how the film jumps back in time suddenly to explain where a specific character is or how things ended up that way and there was something different about it which I can't tell what it is.

My rating is 8/10 WATCHED: in an IMAX Theatre.
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