The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Loved every second
12 August 2021
I finished Season 4 just a moment before writing this. Wow. Just wow.

The Last Kingdom is a fantastic medieval TV Show which revolves around Uthred of Bebbanburg. He was torn from his English family and was raised by Danes. He grew up amongst them, learned to fight like them, and he appreciated their culture and religion. Uthred is a man of courage, honor, passion and vengeance.

I never heard of Alexander Dreymon before this show, however, his work here is phenomenal. I couldnt imagine a better actor for Uthred. He has shown a vast range of emotions, and he carries himself like a true warrior. Huge props to this actor. I certainly feel like he can carry some serious projects in the future.

This show is often compared to Game of Thrones, or Vikings. I like to call it their love child. It has the fantastic combat and spirit of Vikings, and the politics and passion of Game of Thrones, albeit on a smaller scale. If you liked any of these shows, this is right up your alley. If you did not, you should still try this out.

The combat in this show is just phenomenal. There is not a single boring or bad fight scene, and the show is stacked with combat, sieges, pillaging, fires, and various other violence.

Last Kingdom is graced by wonderful pacing, although its a bit too fast in my opinion sometimes, the show is absolutely never dull or boring. It keeps you invested.

I have no gripes with this show. In my eyes, its pretty much perfect. However, i just feel the need to point out how Uthreds story affects me. Uthred is portrayed as this mighty warrior, however, he is forced to the ground by a simple fact: Uthred is a slave. He is a slave to his emotions, a slave to England and Daneland, a slave to Brida, Alfred, and a slave to vengeance. It really makes it easy to root for him, and it makes me really sad at the same time.

To summarize, please do yourself a favor and watch this. The Last Kingdom is beautiful storytelling with fantastic combat and great acting. It never disappoints you.
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