Monsterland: Eugene, Oregon (2020)
Season 1, Episode 5
Charlie Tahan Is Fun To Watch But ...
16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie Tahan is great as the troubled teenager Nick. But the story and the rest of the cast are not so good. In fact, the story and direction are moronic.

Members of Nick's online discussion group appear to be in his room and interacting with him directly. It's a clever device but it is over used and becomes confusing and after a while, just plain stupid.

Yes, the story can be interpreted as a warning about a susceptible person becoming radicalized online. Nick is a sweet kid who is basically bullied into doing something he definitely does not want to do, at all! But he gives into the pressure and becomes Rambo, Jr.

I stayed with it because I genuinely cared for Nick and wanted to see if he ever found some peace in the world. No one knows because the story simply stops with no conclusion or even a hint at resolution. Did they run out of money and just wrapped with what they had?

Disappointing at best, stupid, derivative, sophomoric, and idiotic at worst. Charlie, you should have passed on this one, buddy!
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