A Dull Horror Film that Lacked Suspense
7 September 2021
This film supposedly revolves around a Welsh legend concerning a scarecrow which terrorizes a certain part of the country for a limited period of time before abruptly disappearing--only to return a few years later and repeating the process. To that effect, as the legend supposedly goes, a young man was falsely accused of theft in the spring of 1910 and then brutally punished for it by being hung on a cross and left to die approximately 48 hours afterward. During this time crows mercilessly picked at his eyes while his fiancé was being burned alive in a nearby barn. For this reason, the spirit of the man returns every now and then filled with both a desire for vengeance and a yearning to be reunited with his long lost bride-to-be. That being said, after a brief detour the scene then shifts to the present day where a young female radio host by the name of "May Sealey" (Claire-Maria Fox) has just been told that she has inherited a farm in a remote part of the country and-being naturally curious-she decides to drive there with some of her friends to check it out. What she doesn't realize is that she bears a striking resemblance to the scarecrow's fiancé and that he has chosen that very night for his return. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a rather unremarkable horror film based in large part on its low-budget nature and the lack of any real suspense or quality special effects. To that extent, the story basically plodded along with none of the actors really standing out in any appreciable manner. Again, everything was all rather dull and for that reason I have rated it accordingly.
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