Sends the wrong message
19 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Chick flicks are usually predictable, full of clichés and a tad brainless. It's okay, I don't mind! They can still be very enjoyable. I didn't enjoy this one, though. It's a very bad movie.

A young man has never used a credit card and doesn't know how to order from the internet? How utterly ridiculous. Nobody is such a huge star that they don't know how to order from the internet. How did the actor even accept to shoot that scene?

I was rolling my eyes the whole time. It's okay for the story to be predictable but the characters are shallow and unlikeable.. We didn't see them before he left her, so we don't know how happy they were together and we don't really care whether they get back together or not.

The movie sends the wrong message. It teaches young girls to put up with unacceptable behavior. It teaches them that if you love someone, you should forgive them and take them back over and over again even if they're unreliable jerks.

Forgiveness is great! By all means, forgive. But forgiving is not the same as repeating. Forgiving someone doesn't mean you should necessarily take them back and give them more opportunities to hurt you again. Most of all, forgiveness is one thing, and trust is another. When someone hurts you badly, you can forgive them, but trusting them again is a whole different matter.

He leaves her, in a very hurtful way. She gives him another chance. He leaves her AGAIN. And when he comes back, with a few romantic words and promises, she's like "welcome home" and throws herself in his arms??? Seriously?

Show up every day and display trustworthy behavior every day for five years and THEN, MAYBE she can marry him.

But taking him back, just like that, after he was a jerk twice, just because he says he's changed? The movie makes it look way, waaaayyyy too easy.

So the guy was traumatized by the loss of his mother. Okay. Poor him. We sympathize (although he's unlikeable and makes it really difficult for us to do so).

Then show me real character growth. Show me a guy who's putting in the work, getting professional help, healing his wounds and confusions, and overcoming his trauma. Show me a guy who commits to changed behavior. Show me a guy who displays trustworthy presence, consistently, over a long time.

And THEN have her take him back.

The movie makes it look like healing happens in a split second when you have an epiphany. Poof! Healed. Changed behavior. And you just need to apologize and promise betterment and poof, you're trusted again.

That's simplistic. Healing takes work. Changing our behavior takes work and commitment. Regaining people's trust takes consistent work and time. And love is NOT enough. Loving someone doesn't mean being a doormat they can walk over repeatedly. Forgiving doesn't mean allowing them to do it again.

If the movie was an attempt at a beautiful story of healing and forgiveness, it has missed the point.

I give it two stars because I liked the music. The songs are beautiful.
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