The Jump (2020)
1 h 24 minutes of astonishing fate
22 September 2021
What a brilliant movie it is! If anyone gets an opportunity to see it, grab it right away!!!

The story itself is unbelievably shocking. I cried feeling the pain, the guilt, hope, kindness of people... I laughed a lot - the hero of the story has an amusing personality and snappy sense of humor. So many emotions in one place.

As Lithuanian born in independent Lithuania, I am surprised I have never heard of this story. My farther mentioned that he heard "something" about it during soviet times, I believe because the soviets didn't want people to be inspired by S. Kudirka.

Critic J. B. Spins writes: "It was called the U. S. Coast Guard's "Day of Shame," but it brought out the best in America." What a wonderful thing is to give a hand to a human that is reaching for one. This one person made an outstanding revelation on what life is like under the iron curtain.

The way the story is built, the details - it is just marvelous work!
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