A picture that fluctuates between heavy drama and meaningful laughter with nice acting by Academy Award winner Gregory Peck .
6 October 2021
Based on the novel by Leo Rosten about three army guys visit stiff shrink Captain Newman, during the final months of WWII in VA ward for the mentally disturbed . At the ward there are various psycotic soldiers and Newman generally has six weeks to cure them or send them on to another facility . Here Gregory Peck at his noble best as a kind army psychiatric and head of the psychiatric ward at Colfax Air Force Base in Arizona, and sympathetic Tony Curtis as the amiable Corporal helper . It speaks to you in the language of love, laughter and tears !...The picture that swings from hilarity to heart-break and back again...heading the most amazing and remarkable galaxy of characters ever assembled...bringing to glowing life the vivid best-selling novel.

An interesting and touching film that swings from hilarity to heart-break and back again , as a magnificent ensemble cast nearly maintains the balance . Much guilt and agonizing with comic relief courtesy of Tony Curtis. Gregory Peck is sub-par compared to other own great performances , the direction flounders and there's some unsettling about quicksilver shifts from parody to pathos . Trio of protagonists : Gregory Peck , Tony Curtis and Angie Dickinson are pretty good . They're well accompanied by a top-notch support cast , such as : Eddie Albert as Col. Bliss , James Gregory as Col. Edgar Pyser , Bethel Leslie as Mrs. Winston , the incombustible Robert Duvall as Capt. Winston , the recently deceased Jane Withers as Lt. Grace , Dick Sargent pre-bewitched as Lt. Belden , Larry Storch as Cpl. Gavoni , Robert F. Simon as Lt. Colonel , Gregory Walcott as Capt. Howard and Vito Scotti as Major Fortuno . Nonetheless standing out the fine acting from James Gregory as stiff-upper-lip but likeable Colonel and the movie's most gripping interpretation comes from Bobby Darin as guit-ridden hero.

It includes colorful and brilliant cinematography in Technicolor by Universal's notorious cameraman Russell Metty . Equally , a moving and evocative musical score by Frank Skinner . This overlong motion picture produced by Robert Arthur and Gregory Peck himself was professionally directed by David Miller , though it results extremely claustrophobic and stagy , mostly developed at the hospital ward . Filmmaker David Miller was a good professional , a fine craftsman who made a few and decent films , and some of them were successful enough . He directed all kinds of genres , such as : ¨Bittersweet Love¨ , ¨Executive action¨ , ¨Heroes¨ , ¨Hammerhead¨ , ¨Captain Newman¨ , ¨Back Street¨, ¨Midnight lace¨ , ¨Happy anniversary¨ , ¨Billy the Kid¨ , ¨The story of Esther Costello¨ . Being his two greatest hits : ¨Executive action¨ and ¨Lonely are the brave¨ . Rating : 6/10 . Better than average . Worthwhile seeing . Essential and indispensable watching for Tony Curtis and Gregory Peck fans .
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