Prison Break: Phaecia (2017)
Season 5, Episode 6
Man oh man this is getting rediculous
6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off why did they keep letting cyclops get away when they had him dead to rights and new darned right that he was very dangerous?

Secondly, as somebody else mentioned why in the hell would they leave all those guns behind along the way when they were in so very much danger. Fighting terrorists with your fists? Do they think they are the incredible hulk?!

Thirdly why didn't Michael get the heck away from cyclops after taking out his other eye? Is he really that stupid as to think the guy wasn't dangerous anymore? Also how the heck did Cyclops manage to poison him with the anti-freeze? Was it through the little cut he gave him to his abdomen? I'm not a doctor but I am pretty sure that is not how you would poison a person with anti-freeze.

The writers have clearly given up, and it seems to kind of show on the faces of the actors, they clearly don't look like they are very invested in their respective parts for this season.

I certainly hope they don't try resuscitating this series once more after this one... It is already dead.
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