Bad Movie
7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Prey For Death is bad movie. The only thing that saves it from 1 or even zero stars is Maria and the chemistry she has with the main character Chamberlain. Speaking of Chamberlain he has no chemistry with the girl who is supposed to be playing his daughter Leia Perez ( obviously related to Rene Perez who wrote the screenplay, directed and produced it and did the cinematography). It also goes without saying they look absolutely nothing alike. I understand Leia is Hispanic ( but she should have inherited something from her father). The story is another version of The Most Dangerous Game an absolute classic movie with Joel McCrea, Faye Wray and Leslie Banks as an evil Count who hunts down humans like animals and McCrea is Rainsford a big game Hunter he is matched up with and Wray as the love interest. Here it is an arrogant Baron who is nowhere as intimidating as Banks and thinks he is the greatest hunter and spoilers ahead thinks he can beat Chamberlain in a dual. If someone has seen Quigley Down Under they know exactly what happened ( if not you can figure out Chamberlain wins). Spoilers ahead the film ends with Chamberlain and Leia ending up going to live with Maria ( a place that Chamberlain said is "Paradise" and Maria said "It could be" He left earlier because he had a "Very Special person." Maria thought it was another woman but was happy when he saw it was his daughter. It is important to note that her father was a blacksmith so she had all of the equipment ( except she could not physically do the work): Chamberlain said "Do you still need a blacksmith?" and Maria said "The position is permanent" as the film ends. Again a bad movie that gets a generous 2 stars both for Maria.
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