Family Guy: Must Love Dogs (2021)
Season 20, Episode 3
Lost all respect of Chris
11 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just absolutely sickened at how Chris could have betrayed Stewie like that. I mean, in the episode Herpe the Love Sore, Chris actually worked with Stewie to get revenge over something they had both endured. I thought they were going to do that in this episode again, BUT NOPE! Chris just outright lies to Stewie! If you thought the episode Herpe the Love Sore was bad, this is a lot worse!

The A plot didn't have much of a saving grace either. In the episode The Blind Side, Brian wasn't truthful and the relationship he had in that episode ended. Well in this episode, Quagmire (who, as has been established quite extensively, hates Brian) is untruthful in the same way and manner! And guess what? His relationship had also ended for that very reason!
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