Analyze This (1999)
A Blend Of Crime And Comedy
14 October 2021
14 October 2000

Analyze This is directed by Harold Ramis, the same director who made the wildly popular Ghostbusters franchise. He assembles a noteworthy group of actors to create a comedic film about how a notorious cold-blooded gangster can have sentimental issues just like anyone else. It brings up the expression of never judging a book by it's cover.

Robert DeNiro takes the personality he has in Martin Scorsese films and degrades it, he plays the role of a whiny New York gangster who cries over TV ads and has lost all the toughness his colleagues suppose he has. He needs therapy, a shrink that can take all the emotional baggage off his shoulders. Billy Crystal is the psychologist and Lisa Kudrow plays the role of his irritated wife.

We get to see DeNiro like never before, in many scenes he is crying heavily and uncontrollably. A comedic factor could concentrate just on this one aspect of the character, it looks and sounds amusing because it definitely doesn't look genuine. It's a hard thing to achieve, this could almost be perceived as being too far out of his ball game. Billy Crystal is very down to earth, his reactions are natural and would fit with the casual person's action. Joe Viterelli is DeNiro's bodyguard and he is the funniest element of the film, his facial expressions are hilarious and make every scene feel much funnier than it normally should be. Lisa Kudrow is decent, she doesn't go anywhere too far out of reach for her acting capabilities. She almost seems to be playing the part of Phoebe in the hit TV show Friends. All of her roles feel the same which is definitely not a good thing. The performances are decent enough though to be enjoyed.

The story is simple but can be exciting and intriguing if done right. This film has an old-fashioned comedic charm to it. Even though the film deals with the mafia, it has a lighthearted feeling to it. It's enjoyable and can be appreciated by anyone who has a sense of humour. I was entertained from the start to the end and I can assure you that that is definitely uncommon.

I recommend Analyze This, the performance by Robert DeNiro is hit or miss but the uncomplicated and smooth storytelling is very pleasant.
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