Don't understand what's so feminist about it
26 October 2021
Everybody here tells how feminist this movie is, but I see it in a different way. There is no "Girl power" or anything of that kind, it's just a story about two women. Male characters are not distorted as they are in modern real feminist movies like Birds of Prey. Harvey Keitel played a surprisingly good cop. I expected him to be a typical maniac-like policeman who would use any means to catch usual criminals as though they are the most wanted in the whole world. Main characters' husband and boyfriend are not typical oppressors either. Thelma's husband is a frequent type who wants his wife to stay at home while he's at work. He also makes Thelma more motivated to do what she does further in the film, since she's bored with her daily routine. Louise's boyfriend is a type of guys who is tough outside but sensitive inside. Harlan and J. D. are just criminals who make the story develop. The only odd male character is the policeman who stops the two women on the road. He could be made less freaky.

Thelma & Louise seems like an analogue of Bonnie & Clyde but with several differences. It's about two women rather than man and woman, and they begin their criminal "career" accidentally rather than intentionally and at first, they just want to escape from the punishment. Speaking of the screenplay, it's magnificent, everything works just perfect. All the characters look so real and good written, as well as the story itself. The screenwriter really deserved her Oscar. Directing and cinematography are great either. And of course, the cast, especially the two leading actresses. The ending which some people don't like is fine for me. Though some people say it look unnatural that after all this running away they just commit suicide, it doesn't look that odd. Look at Thelma at the beginning and in the end of the movie, for instance. She doesn't look like robbing stores and assaulting people in the first part of the movie, but she does so later. So if the creators decided to make this ending, I don't object.
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