Fine comedy by Albert Valentin
27 October 2021
This is only the fourth movie directed by Albert Valentin I've seen. L'entraîneuse, Marie Martine, la Vie de plaisir are great titles that represent perfectly French quality cinema. This comedy is not as good, but it's really entertaining thanks to Charles Spaak' dialogues told dynamically fast by the entire punchy casting, especially Jean Tissier, André Bruno and Jacqueline Bouvier (Pagnol in her first movie), this dynamy is certainly due to Albert Valentin'intelligent capacity of directing. This comedy and the 3 other great titles I've seen convinced me to search other Albert Valentin' titles.

Another main quality of this comedy is the cinematography by Jean Bachelet with constant camera movements in alchimy with the fast dialogues. Jean Bachelet has worked on great titles directed by the best directors : Jean Renoir (Nana, le Crime de Mr Lange, Madame Bovary), Sacha Guitry (Désiré, la Malibran, Pasteur, la Poison) and even Robert Siodmack (See Odd Mack as he called himself) (Mister Flow).

Any books on these two great creators, Jean Bachelet and Albert Valentin?
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