Succession: Too Much Birthday (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
A Great Character Climax for Many
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Out of a season that seems like it's heading to a conclusion for Kendall's case to take down Logan, I'm happy it's taking it's time getting there and focusing on the emotional arc of the Roy kids. Kendall has the most Kendall Roy party imaginable in a gigantic, ridiculously expensive set and falls to pieces by the end of the episode. Shiv flexes some kind of decision making muscle at the company but is ultimately sidelined in how operations are executed (Kendall's letter). And finally, Roman revels in some success that he can eke out in his own small way, and makes an ass out of himself. These patterns for the siblings are extremely satisfying to see happen and come to their head here. My one hope is that they have some large consequences in the next two episodes otherwise I personally will think the anticipation for a big power change will be too long.
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